The Sea Within, ecco il primo singolo “Ashes Of Dawn”

di Redazione
28 maggio 2018
The Sea Within presentano “Ashes Of Dawn”, primo singolo tratto dal nuovo album in uscita il 22 giugno su InsideOut Music. La testimonianza che il rock progressive si sta rigenerando con empatia e vigore!

The Sea Within lineup
Roine Stolt (Transatlantic, The Flower Kings)
Daniel Gildenlöw (Pain of Salvation)
Jonas Reingold (Steve Hackett, The Flower Kings, Karmakanic, The Tangent),
Tom Brislin (Yes Symphonic, Renaissance, Spiraling, Deborah Harry)
Marco Minnemann (The Aristocrats, Steven Wilson, UK, Joe Satriani)

Night Of The Prog Festival 2018 - Loreley (Germania)
13 – 15 luglio 2018
The Sea Within faranno qui il loro debutto live.
Biglietti: a questo link.

Disc 1:
1. Ashes of Dawn
2. They Know My Name
3. The Void
4. An Eye for an Eye for an Eye
5. Goodbye
6. Sea Without
7. Broken Cord
8. The Hiding of the Truth

Disc 2:
1. The Roaring Silence
2. Where Are You Going?
3. Time
4. Denise
I THE SEA WITHIN debutteranno dal vivo al

Roine Stolt comments:

"Ashes of Dawn’ was one of the first songs Jonas & I started working on for the TSW project last year. It came a long way – a big de-tour before its final form here.
I first took it full ‘Apocalypse Now’ direction lyric wise - but it later landed somewhere else - perhaps not 100% representative of the rest...

l'articolo continua...

of album - but that's pretty much what this is all about - we travel fearless through many styles & influences, and here with a slight touch of ‘metal’ perhaps, but we’ve also got Rob Townsend guesting on a fusiony sax solo.
The video is surreal stuff - animated dreamy eye candy put together by clever people.
This tune ended up as the opening track of our debut album - however, personally I see all songs as a continuum – just one side of this band's personality - one style and expression - this is the introduction, but we'll go many different places on rest of album.”

Let's get one thing straight from the start. The Sea Within is more of an amalgamation of some serious talents, than a regular “supergroup”. These musicians have come together to create a unique album. Guitarist/vocalist Roine Stolt, bassist Jonas Reingold, keyboard player/vocalist Tom Brislin, drummer/vocalist Marco Minnemann and vocalist/guitarist Daniel Gildenlöw have a vast reservoir of experience. Look at the portmanteau of artists with who they've worked: The Flower Kings, Transatlantic, Jon Anderson, Steven Wilson,The Aristocrats, Joe Satriani, Yes, Steve Hackett, Renaissance, Pain Of Salvation, Deborah Harry, Meatloaf, Karmakanic … that of itself tells you this is something very special. 

“I suppose it all began to take shape in the autumn of 2016,” explains Stolt. “I had a chat with Thomas Waber, the boss at InsideOut Music, about the idea of putting together a new band. I wanted to move in a fresh direction with new collaborations. So Thomas gave me the ‘go ahead’ to seek musicians for a new project.”
First on-board was The Flower Kings bass player Jonas Reingold.- “He is a long time bandmate and friend and we were also very keen to get keyboardist Tom (Brislin) involved - after seeing his synth pyrotechnics with legends Yes ‘Symphonic’ and with Camel. Then we have been a fans of ‘Aristocrats’ drummer Marco for a long time; I first heard of him 15 years ago and he is a brilliant drummer, unique energy. Then when we discussed ideas for singers, Daniel's name came up, he has such a great range and dynamic voice and we've worked together on and off over the years.” Also added later to the bands line-up for live shows was vocalist & guitarist Casey McPherson of ‘Flying Colors’ & ‘Alpha Rev’, who also sings a couple of songs on the album. 

Initially the band went to Livingston Studios in London last September to begin the process of assembling all the material and recording it for the debut album.
“Most of the material you'll hear are really band compositions. Of course, ideas were triggered by all of us. Sometimes Jonas would come up with a part, chord sequence or tune and then I or Tom would write melody & lyric and some new riff section and Marco enhancing with further musical metric twists and developments - then Daniel would add or rewrite some of the lyrics, change or add more melodies. Overall, the vast majority of the tracks have been worked on and developed by all of us in one way or another.”

The entire recording situation took about six months, and the band also have some very special guests featured on the album.
“We have got Jordan Rudess from Dream Theater playing piano on one song. The legendary Jon Anderson sings on another track, while 'wind ace' Rob Townsend, who plays saxophone and flute with Steve Hackett, is also on the record. Each of them brings a different flavour to the music.” 

“People have asked me how I would describe what we have done, and it is almost impossible. I would have to say it sounds like…us, ‘The Sea Within’. Our tastes are very eclectic – from prog to jazz to classical, to heavy rock, folk, punk, electronica and pop. We all come from a different background - so here everything goes.
This has been about putting those diverse influences into the music. I feel you will hear all that's good about pop – with great melodies and hooks – plus the rawness of metal, improvisations, symphonic and movie soundtracks. We also left room for each of us to take off on flights of instrumental jamming. That was the basic idea, anyway. But until we all got together, we had no idea where it would lead or if it would actually work.”
The band have ended up recording close to two hours of music, and will be releasing it all in June on what will be a self-titled album.

The Sea Within as a music collective have plans to perform live, and will make their stage debut at 'Night Of The Prog' in Loreley, Germany which happens from July 13-15 and will bring special guests for that evening. 
“As far as I am concerned, we will try do as much touring as possible. We have a great band, great label and our agent Rob Palmen on-board. We have great artwork by Marcela Bolivar, all looks bright. However Daniel will not be able to join us for touring now, as he has commitments with main band Pain Of Salvation. With Casey taking the vocal spot, now with us live, we can go out on the road and play this album and beyond and grow as a band. We have so much to offer musically, on record and on stage and I am sure we will develop a lot over the next few years. But 'The Sea Within' album is a great start. I am excited for everyone to hear what we have done and am now thrilled to start working on the songs for the live show.”



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