Roine Stolt's The Flower King a novembre esce "Manifesto Of An Alchemist"

di Redazione
29 ottobre 2018
Con il moniker Roine Stolt’s The Flower King, il 23 novembre 2018 esce “Manifesto Of An Alchemist” (InsideOut Music): album di studio che prevede l’intervento di numerosi musicisti e colleghi di Stolt, tra cui Jones Reingold, Hans Froberg e Michael Stolt, nonché Marco Minnemann, Max Lorentz, Zach Kamins, Rob Townsend e Nad Sylvan.

“Manifesto Of An Alchemist” tracklist
1. Rainsong
2. Lost America
3. Ze Pawns
4. High Road
5. Rio Grande
6. Next To A Hurricane
7. The Alchemist
8. Baby Angels
9. Six Thirty Wake-Up
10. The Spell Of Money

Roine Stolt official website

Roine Stolt – Svedese, classe 1956 – Chitarrista/compositore/cantante – Ex band leader di The Flower Kings, Transatlantic, Agents of Mercy e Kaipa DC – In tour con Steve Hackett (2015) – Assieme a Jon Anderson (Yes) pubblica “Invention of Knoledge” (2016) – Co-fondatore di The Sea Within, il prestigioso quintetto di symphonic prog nato nel 2017

"Manifesto of an Alchemist" tour
South America 2018
16th November – Carioca Club, Sao Paolo, Brazil
18th November – El Teatrito, Buenos Aires, Argentina
19th November - Teatro Nescafe, Santiago, Chile
21st November – Teatro Del Patronato Peruano Chino, Lima, Peru
23rd November – C3 Stage, Guadalajara, Mexico
24th November – Auditoria Blackberry, Mexico City, Mexico
30th November – Cosmopolite, Oslo, Norway
1st December – Kulturhuset Studion, Stockholm, Sweden
2nd December – KB, Malmo, Sweden
4th December – Zeche, Bochum, Germany
5th December – Z7, Pratteln, Switzerland

l'articolo continua...

December – La Machine, Paris, France
7th December – De Boerderij, Zoetermeer, Netherlands
8th December – Hedon, Zwolle, Netherlands
9th December – Islington Assembly Hall, London, UK
10th December – Academy Club, Manchester, UK
28th February - Club Soda, Montreal, Canada
1st March - Salle Jean - Paul Tardif, Quebec City, Canada


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