Five Finger Death Punch, "Blue On Black" supporta una fondazione benefica

di Redazione
13 aprile 2019
I Five Finger Death Punch, rock band multiplatino con base a Las Vegas, realizzano una emozionante versione di “Blue On Black” coinvolgendo Brantley Gilbert, Kenny Wayne Shepherd ed il leggendario Brian May. Mixing: Kevin Churko.
I proventi saranno raccolti dalla Gary Sinise Foundation, organizzazione statunitense a difesa delle unità di primo soccorso, dei veterani e delle loro famiglie.
Il clip è da brividi, guardalo qui...

Five Finger Death Punch
Zoltan Bathory (lead/rhythm guitar) – Ivan Moody (vocal) – Jason Hook (lead guitar) – Chris Kael (Bass/backing vocal) – Charlie Engen (drum)

5FDP official website

“I want to send my thanks to Five Finger Death Punch, Brian May of Queen, Brantley Gilbert and Kenny Wayne Shepherd for their support of The Gary Sinise Foundation and our efforts to give back to our Nation’s First Responders. I’m so grateful to have all of these incredible artists from different genres coming together to support our mission with this great song, “Blue On Black”. I believe while we can never do enough to show our appreciation and gratitude to our Nation’s defenders and the families who sacrifice right alongside them we can always do a little more. And you all are doing just that. So I salute you, and I thank you all. God bless...” GARY SINISE...

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(Golden Globe and Emmy Award Winning Actor and founder of The Gary Sinise Foundation)


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