Alan Parsons, ad aprile esce "The Secret"

di Redazione
19 febbraio 2019
A 15 anni di distanza da “A Valid Path”, il 19 aprile 2019 Alan Parsons pubblica “The Secret”, il nuovo album che vede l’intervento di un pool di musicisti stellari, tra cui Nathan East (bass), Steve Hackett (guitar) e Vinnie Colaiuta (drum).

“The Secret” (Frontiers Music) esce nei formati: CD Jewel Case – CD+DVD Digipack – LP (180 g gatefold) – Super Luxury Boxset (CD+DVD+LP, exclusive t-shirt, poster, cover litografata…)

Alan Parsons official website

08 aprile 2019 – Milano Assago – Teatro della Luna

Sul palco: Alan Parsons (acoustic guitar/keyboard/vocal) – P.J. Olsson (vocal) – Tom Brooks (keyboard) – Guy Erez (bass) – Jeff Kollman (guitar/vocal) – Danny Thompson (drum) – Todd Cooper (sax/percussion/vocal) – Dan Tracey (guitar/vocal) – Tyson Montgomery Leonard (violin)

“The Secret” – tracklist
1. THE SORCERER’S APPRENTICE (instrumental)*
2. MIRACLE (lead vocal: Jason Mraz)
3. AS LIGHTS FALL (lead vocal: Alan Parsons)
4. ONE NOTE SYMPHONY (lead vocal: Todd Cooper)
5. SOMETIMES (lead vocal: Lou Gramm)
6. SOIRÉE FANTASTIQUE (lead vocal: Todd Cooper, A. Parsons)
7. FLY TO ME (lead vocal: Mark Mikel)
8. REQUIEM (lead vocal: Todd Cooper)
9. BEYOND THE YEARS OF GLORY (lead vocal: PJ Olsson)
10. THE LIMELIGHT FADES AWAY (lead vocal: Jordan Huffman)
11. I CAN’T GET THERE FROM HERE (lead vocal:...

l'articolo continua...

Jared Mahone)

Guitars: Steve Hackett (*), Jeff Kollmann, Dan Tracey, Tony Rosacci, Ian Bairnson, Alan Parsons
Synth/Keyboards: Andy Ellis, Tom Brooks, Dan Tracey, Alan Parsons
Piano: Pat Caddick, Angelo Pizzaro
Bass: Nathan East (*), Guy Erez, Jeff Peterson
Drum: Vinnie Colaiuta (*), Danny Thompson, Carl Sorensen 
Sax: Todd Cooper
Cello: Michael Fitzpatrick 

Orchestral Arrangements: Tom Brooks
Strings conducted by Alan Parsons (except on * Tom Brooks)
Orchestra The CMG Music Recording Orchestra of Hollywood

Percussions: Alan Parsons – Ukulele: Jake Shimabukuro – Trombones: Oscar Utterström – Trumpets: Vinnie Ciesielski


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