CARL MARTIN, Free Giveaway Contest

di Redazione
10 aprile 2020
Con l’intento di alleggerire ed allietare queste impegnative giornate di lockdown, Carl Martin dà vita a una serie di contest. Apre le danze il popolare pedale Atlantic Chorus.
Come fare per partecipare al contest? Leggi qui di seguito.

Carl Martin official website

CARL MARTIN Atlantic Chorus
Tre le opzioni per partecipare al contest. Puoi attivarne una sola, oppure tutte tre.

1. Raggiungi il canale Youtube
2. Raggiungi il canale Facebook, metti un Like e condividi
3. Raggiungi il canale Instagram e tagga un amico

Guys the Covid 19 has set an effective stop on all gig’s, tours, festivals this coming summer, at least here where we live, and it might be a general picture for 2020, leaving you guys without any gigs to attend, sad really sad, so what can we do from here, not much really, as everybody is sent home, I’m basically here on my own. So I thought let’s kick of a series of give a away contests here over the next few month, beginning with a Free Give Away contest of a Carl martin Atlantic Chorus.
You have three options to attend; you can do one or...

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all to triple you chances.
1: Go to Carls YT channel through a comment
2: Go to Carls FB share and like the post:
3: Go to Carls Instagram comment and tag a friend (important)
We make a lucky draw asap.


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