Trivium: la ristampa di "Ember To Inferno"

di Redazione
18 ottobre 2016
I Trivium sono stati uno dei fenomeni metal più importanti degli anni 2000, indubbiamente una delle band ad ottenere maggior successo negli ultimi dieci anni. Per quanto "Ascendancy" e "The Crusade", usciti rispettivamente nel 2005 e nel 2006, siano probabilmente i due capitoli che hanno consacrato la scalata della band ai piani più alti del music business, il debutto del gruppo capitanato da Matt Heafy risale al 2003 con "Ember To Inferno".

Da tempo difficilmente reperibile, "Ember to Inferno" sta per tornare sul mercato grazie a Cooking Vinyl/Edel con diverse bonus track a mettere ulteriore carne sul fuoco per i diversi formati i uscita.

"The purpose of this release is to show the very early beginnings of Trivium—perhaps an era unbeknownst to most listeners of the band," ha detto Matt Heafy "To look back at Ember as the starting point of Trivium becoming recognized worldwide is a staggering thought for me, considering I was 16/17 years old during the writing and recording of the record...As a kid, I always said the 'goal' was to be in a massive metal band. I don’t think I actually knew what it would mean to have fans in different parts...

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of the world, and I still can’t believe people care so much that they actually want to hear the music that pre-dates our Roadrunner-years. To this day, I am still completely blown away that people are singing words to songs I wrote when I was 16 years old. It’s an amazing feeling."

"Ember To Inferno" sarà disponibile nelle versioni:
- Standard CD
- Standard LP: Gatefold 2LP orange/black
- "Ab Initio" Deluxe CD: new artwork, original album + 13 bonus tracks
- "Ab Initio" Deluxe 5LP Box: 5LP colorati, expanded booklet, poster, stencil, 13 tracks (3LP).

La band sarà in Italia il prossimo 13 marzo 2017 ai Magazzini Generali di Milano.

1. Inception, The Bleeding Skies
2. Pillars Of Serpents
3. If I Could Collapse The Masses
4. Fugue (A Revelation)
5. Requiem
6. Ember To Inferno
7. Ashes
8. To Burn The Eye
9. Falling To Grey
10. My Hatred
11. When All Light Dies
12. A View Of Burning Empires

Ruber (On Transparent Red Vinyl for Box Set)
1. Pain
2. Thrust
3. Lake Of Fire

Caeruleus (On Transparent Blue Vinyl for Box Set)
4. To Burn The Eye
5. Requiem
6. Fugue
7. My Hatred
8. The Storm
9. Sworn
10. Demon

Flavus (On Transparent Yellow Vinyl for Box Set)
11. Like Light To The Flies
12. Blinding Tears Will Break The Skies
13. The Deceived


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