Frontiers Music presenta il nuovo LP dei Big Foot

di Francesco Sicheri
11 giugno 2016
Frontiers Music invia interessanti notizie per tutti gli amanti dell'hard rock, in questo caso si tratta dei Big Foot, giovane band proveniente dal Regno Unito che dopo l'estate entrerà in studio di registrazione per incidere il primo Lp. Il nuovo album seguirà l'ep "Stone Soldiers", ed in questi giorni è stato annunciato tramite la presentazione di due nuovi brani inediti.

Come da comunicato:
Formed in the spring of 2014, Bigfoot consists of members from various bands from the Northwest England rock scene that combines powerful vocals, dual lead guitars, and a heavy driving rhythm section. With influences stemming from many different rock genres, from the likes of the Eagles to Pantera, this is a band that can be appreciated by a wide range of music fans. Since forming, Bigfoot have toured constantly around the UK and landed slots at the likes of Breakout Festival 2014, Bloodstock Festival 2015 and Hard Rock Hell 2015.

Antony Ellis - Lead Vocals
Sam Millar – Guitar
Mick McCullagh – Guitar
Matt Avery – Bass
Tom Aspinall - Drums


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