GIBSON Virtual Guitar Tech Service

di Redazione
07 maggio 2020
Cambiare le corde, effettuare la debita pulizia dello strumento, verificare le condizioni della tastiera, regolare action, intonazione, trussrod e quant’altro.
Allo scopo di effettuare tutto questo col supporto interattivo di tecnici esperti, video e conference call in tempo reale, Gibson mette a punto Virtual Guitar Tech Service (VGT), servizio gratuito online dedicato ai possessori di chitarre, bassi, banjo, mandolini Gibson ma anche Epiphne, Kramer e Steinberger.

Gibson official website

Due i passaggi previsti per il servizio VGT.
1. Consultazione di 30 minuti tramite conference call
2. Consultazione di 60 minuti tramite guida passo-dopo-passo attraverso il processo da effettuare.
E’ necessario installare il software Zoom ( gratuito.


Step 1
Schedule free 30-minute one-on-one consultation call with a VGT. On this video conference call you’ll discuss the type of instrument you have and its current condition, the nature of any issues you’re currently experiencing with it, as well as what type of services you’d like to perform on your instrument. The VGT will ask you various questions about your playing experience and style, as well as your experience and comfort level with working on your own instrument. The VGT will also give you a list of the basic tools and supplies that...

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you’ll need to have on-hand to successfully perform the tasks you’d like to accomplish.

Step 2
Schedule free 60-minute one-on-one Basic Guitar Tune Up Service with a VGT. This is scheduled after your initial consultation call in order to give you time to order supplies and tools and have them delivered to you. The VGT will guide you step-by-step through the process of servicing your instrument.


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